In spite of what comes, I choose peace

Honestly, this episode title speaks for itself. In life, we are presented with opportunities to grow or stay where we are. Godhas given us free will. We have choices. Sometimes the choices we make have great consequences and other times not so great results. It is my hope that you all become more and more intentional about the choices you make, and about the thoughts that you allow to become the words that you speak into your life. You know, there are consequences to even that. it’s kind of funny because I talk to my kids about word choice and the things that we say and they’ll scoff at me sometimes or just laugh it off and say yeah right mom is just words. I see that process in the words that they’ve spoken over themselves end up, manifesting into situations in their own lives, and I tried to remind them that again watch the words that you’re speaking we give life to the words that come out of our mouth, whether or not we intend to we give life to those words, especially when we speak them so often we begin to live them. That is where I caution anyone to pay attention to what you are speaking because if it is not conducive to your growth, you need to cut that language out and replace it with something that is of value for your maturity. Words mean a lot our God created the worlds by speaking it into existence. Manage your mindset by monitoring your thoughts, and controlling the words that you speak, so that they are edifying and not destructive.

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