Mother’s Day Love

This episode is a celebration of mothers. It is a reminder to each of us to take time to appreciate the women who have encouraged us over the course of our lives, whether it be our biological mothers, or play-mamas, who were something like a mama to us. You know what I mean! We celebrate these courageous women, don’t forget the importance of taking care of yourselves. Our mothers and aunties and grandmothers worked very hard and sometimes wore themselves out. we don’t have to work like that without having some way to relieve the stress. Make time to exercise. take a walk even if it’s in the rain. Read a book in a nice quiet designated area with a throw blanket, a cup of tea and soft instrumental music in the background. Whatever it takes to bring yourself peace of mind, be sure to do that as you consider all the things women who came before us have accomplished through mothering.

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