Take Authority & Snatch Your Peace

In this episode, Monique talks to her listeners about intentionally shifting from a defeated mindset to one victory and peace. Sometimes we allow the things that we go through in life to weigh on us and keep us in a place. This can be learned behavior. Maybe we’ve watched the way that our parents responded to challenges in their own lives and we adopted their way. Because this behavior is learned, we can unlearn it. It really takes talking to yourself and reminding you that you have power and can manage your thoughts. You don’t have to allow your thoughts to rule you. Second Corinthians chapter 10 verse five of the Bible addresses the issue of wandering thoughts, which is called imaginations. if we’re not careful, we can think ourselves into depression into worry into severe anxiety. So why not flip the script and train our brains to bring negative thoughts into captivity and free positive, joyful, thoughts.

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