Take Your Peace Back

We’ve all been there, right? I’m referring to those moments in time when we feel like no one understands. We think we are alone in our struggles and it doesn’t seem as if it is going to come to an end. But somehow someway, we find the strength to endure, and we rise above our circumstances. We show the world that we are relentlessly resilient. We’ve made a decision to be just that, an overcomer and not a victim. I wish I could say this is true for everyone, but as you all know, there are many, and it may even be you, who have not been able to get past certain situations in life. I’m here to tell you that it is possible for you to do so. No, it’s not easy, but it’s possible. It is my prayer that as you listen to my podcasts from over the past several weeks and become so encouraged that you will make the choice to arise in resilience out of every issue that has plagued your life. Decide not to be a victim but instead a Victor. Peace and blessings to you.

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